...or what I lovingly call my Control Journal. I originally got the idea from Flylady.net. She helped me get my house cleaned up and a binder started to keep my home running smoothly.
My binder has several things to keep me organized. I printed pages such as calenders and phone number lists from another site called Organizedhome.com. It's a wonderful site that offers many different pages. Another one that I used is DonnaYoung.org. I loved some of the pretty pages.
I have many sections in my Control Journal. The beginning consists of calendars. I have an eighteen month calendar page and monthly calendar pages. I keep my son's school lunch menu there as well.
I have sections for my daily and weekly routines, household cleaner recipes, weekly menu planners, finances, important family documents, phone numbers and addresses for family and friends as well as emergency numbers such as doctors and insurance companies.
I have a very special section for poems and writings that I find inspirational. I dotted everything with artwork that I have found on various websites to give it a pretty, Victorian feel. I have always loved the Victorian era for the flowers and beautiful dresses.
The sites I linked above can help you to start your own. Each family's binder is unique to their lives.
Very nifty idea!